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She explains ?If she was the person that I was doing Playboy I would 100 percent say OK If she is in a bad mental place [and has] a bad head on her shoulders and doing it under bad conditions that?s different I was very mentally there I knew what I was doing even though I had a little bit of fun that was a choice that I made and I owned it And I did nothing wrong ? and it led me to my life today Everybody has to go through little ?finding out who they are? stages?
So basically because she did Playboy she would be ok with her daughter doing playboy What kind of twisted parenting is this I suppose Kendra would then go on to call Playboy ?empowering? and a whole bunch of other explanations that make zero sense
This is why our world is going to the way it?s going It?s because we have reality stars with low IQs continually reproducing and pushing their own idiotic ideals onto their poor children Look at the Kardashians ? it?s a perfect example More and more families are becoming obsessed with fame and the shortcut to becoming rich and nobody in this circle seems to care about hard work or family values any more
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